It’s the season for growing! Check back soon for opportunities to join our work family.


From Our Team Members

Having worked previously at Trax Farms I returned in 1998 and it felt like coming home. It’s just about impossible for me to pick a favorite memory as there have been so many enjoyable note- worthy moments. The Trax family makes us feel welcome and co-workers and customers often become great friends. It is simply a great place to be. No matter what the season it’s always beautiful!

Linda, Greenhouse Associate

I have worked at Trax Farms as a cashier for a year now and I love it! The flexibility is great, I am able to work around my school schedule to make sure I can get the hours I need while accomplishing everything outside of work as well. My coworkers are wonderful, the people here are easy to get along with and make the day that much more enjoyable. I have so many fond memories from my first weekend working here, everyone was so nice and willing to go out of their way to teach me all that I needed to succeed. That is something that has continued since then, and is still present.

Zach, Cashier

Trax Farms is a wonderful, family company to work for. I enjoy working in an environment filled with hard-working people and good friends. Everyone who has set foot in our store has enriched my experience and shared their stories in order to make our team better. I am looking forward to many more years with Trax Farms.

Kelly, Former Team Member

Without a doubt, the best job at the “Farm” is my job, manager of the Wine Shop At Trax Farms.  This job gives me the luxury of selling Arrowhead cellars Wine, some of the finest wines produced in Western Pennsylvania to the best customers in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. Of course, allowing customers to sample the wines before purchase makes for a good time!  The job also gets my creative juices flowing with creating special wine events such as Harvest Winery Bus Tours, Summer and Winter Wine Festivals and Holiday Wine Parings as well as making beautiful gift baskets all season long.  I recommend the “Farm” for those looking for a laid back, flexible workplace with lots of great co-workers.

Jo, Wine Shop Manager-Happily Retired

I have worked at Trax Farms for 8 years as a greenhouse associate and I truly love my job. I have a wonderful boss and working with plants is one of my passions. Working in the greenhouse means that my responsibilities change every season so I am never bored and it means getting to see all of the beautiful flowers change every season. I enjoy meeting, and interacting with, other employees and customers, many whom have become friends. My favorite memory while working at Trax Farms is when I had the opportunity to work with John Trax aka Junior and learn from him.

Jackie, Greenhouse Associate

I have been working at Trax for over 5 years and have never enjoyed a job more! The Traxs are amazing people to work for. They are friendly and care about their employees. It is a fun atmosphere and the employees are just as friendly.

Ronda, Former Grocery Manager

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